Book Description: The erotic adventures of Jenny & James. Reaching deeply into their secret desires, Jenny & James discover how truly great their adventures can be between two consenting adults.
This book was recommended by the author. I didn't really know what I was getting into because the book description was so vague. So I took a deep breath and went on the adventure with Jenny and James. Now, I do have to mention that these books are not short novellas, so it took some time to read this. While life has a way of keeping me from reading sometimes, I managed it.
The first book was quite fun. The couple (James and Jenny) decide to try out a wicked little fantasy they had about making love outdoors and not having the power to do anything about it. One leads, the other follows. It was great fun reading how James thought his part through to give his lady love all of the pleasure she could handle and in turn, his as well. When it was Jenny's turn to take charge, I found that she was a bit more dominant in her conquest of pleasure. LOL! In the end, she gave James more than I think they both bargained for and it turned out great.
In the second book Jenny was invited to a costume party. She, of course had to bring James along for the ride. What a ride it was! From the costume choices to the erotic party, this was great fun to read. The third book involved a menage a trois, and an unexpected one at that. The further along I got, the more invested in the couple I became. I wanted their love to grow with each experience they shared. With that said, I thought about it and then realized that after each adventure this couple were rather afraid of what the other one would think about what was done to them. For some odd reason, that bothered me. They didn't talk right away, and that also bothered me. Maybe because I always thought that as a loving couple they would share in the moment, talk.. But that wasn't so. By the end of it all I was a bit frustrated with it all, but the author vindicated himself and turned a bad situation into a very good one.
Mr. Browning did an excellent job! 4 out of 5 stars for this wonderful trilogy!
Until next time! Enjoy!
~Lilly Rose
~Lilly Rose
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