Monday, July 14, 2014

Interview with Rachael James

Hello Everyone!

Here is my interview with the ever charming, wonderfully talented, hysterically funny Rachael James.

Welcome Rachael! Thank you so very much for joining me and taking the time to do this interview.

This interview is going to happen in three parts. The first part is an "Author Spotlight" which is just that, questions to learn a little about you, your career goals and current books. The second part I call "Fun Questions" and the third is my favorite: "The Speed Round", those are "anything goes" questions that are fast and you don't have to think too much about. So here we go!

Author Spotlight

Me: Tell us about yourself

RJ: I was born and raised in the Midwest where I still live with my husband, our son, one cat, and one dog. I started writing almost twenty years ago because my husband, then boyfriend, encouraged me to try it. At first, I struggled trying to get the characters and their stories out of my head in a reasonable form, but it has since become my passion. Writing is what I love, and when I am not doing it, I can usually be found doing some form of exercisecycling, lifting weights, or yoga.

Me: What are your current projects?

RJ: I am finishing the last book, A New Queen, in my series Bitches and Queens. The series follows a very non-traditional family. From first kisses to tracking down a turbulent teenager with a little help from a friendly psychopath, this group of characters has experienced it all. A New Queen opens when Hannah Mallory, the family’s ruling matriarch, decides it is time to pass down the reigns. Through all their tears and laughter, each member of this zany family discovers what it means to loveto give love, to receive love, and how to be love.

Me: What comes first when contemplating a new projectthe characters, the plot and/or the title?

RJ: For me, the characters always come first. It is not that different than meeting someone the first time. They start as vague notions determined to make a good first impression. As I spend more time with them, the layers build. Sometimes I work with a strong physical representation in mind but not always. I really believe it is a trust issue. Like any relationship, as the bond grows stronger you begin to let down your guard and let the true light inside of you shines. Eventually, the characters develop a voice and that is the point where I surrender and let them tell me their stories.

Me: Who is your favorite character that you created? And why?

RJ: I love all my characters, but the most fun I’ve ever had working with one of them was with Hannah Fairbanks Mallory. Hannah was wonderfully, deliriously, enchantingly insane. Writing her story was like being given a license to say or do anything that had ever crossed my mindabsolutely NO filter. As much as I truly adored that quality of her, what I came to admire, love, and cherish about Hannah was her fearlessness. Unlike every other character I have ever worked with before, Hannah didn’t come to me vague. Much like the book, she emerged very bold and in-my-face. And first impressionsforget about it. I could hear her piercing screamsI don’t care if you don’t like me. I don’t if you don’t understand me. But you sure as fuck are going to know me. Needless to say, it was quite the experience, but there was something so refreshingly beautiful about her genuineness and brutal honesty. While I was creating her story, often times I felt myself trying to hold back because there are parts that are crazy, but I felt her pushing me forward. Imagine if you will, me sitting at the computer with Hannah sitting beside me ever so lovingly sayingIf I had the courage to tell you my truth then you damn better grow a pair and write it. Anyone that has read her story, Crazy Bitch, could probably also picture her thrashing me over the head with whatever was handy while she was saying it just to make a point.

Me: Do you have advice for other authors just starting out?

RJ: Step 1- Read. Familiarize yourself with your genre of choice. Every genre has a set of rules or protocols that are deemed acceptable.

Step 2- Know yourself. I’m not a huge fan of labels because I feel they are limiting, but in this instance I will make an exception. It is my own personal belief that there are two types of people that chose to make this their professionWriters and Artists. I am not coming at this with any preconceived notion of value. I admire both writers and artists equally. Unfortunately, I have no advice to give because as much as I dont care to admit this, I am not a writer. I have no doubt that my advice on how to perform brain surgery would be just as meaningful and enlightening as what I could contribute on the subject of being a writer. I am an artist. The differences between the two are subtle, but essentially writers write and artists create. Artists take all those rules and protocols and toss them out the window. Artists surrender to their characters, to their stories, to the divine in an attempt to create something worthy. If someone desired words to be their vehicle of expression, my advice would simply be thissit down, turn on the computer, and let go. Now with all that being said, I do believe writers feel very much the same about their work. Perhaps the differences are more apparent in the final outcome. Brilliant writers, those wickedly talented scribes who were put on this planet with the sole purpose of writing, can make you laugh, make you cry, and make you fall in love a hundred times over. While I sincerely hope to be able to achieve all of those things in my work, those goals are secondary. My goal is to leave a lasting impressiongood, bad, vague, or otherwisesome reflection of the truth that I discovered in the momentsomething that can’t always be explained or understood to be appreciated. 

Step 3- Write. Whether you are a rebel rule-breaker or prefer to stick to the straight and narrow paths, there is a very good chance that your work will make this world a better place. Let your light shine.


Fun Questions

Me: When you need a break what do you do to recharge?

RJ: When I need to recharge, I exercise. When I am really stressed, I shop online until my hubby comes into the room and confiscates my credit cards.

Me: Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

RJ: A joyful simpleton any day.

Me: Why are you, you? What sets you apart from other authors?

RJ: I am not sure how to answer this without sounding like an arrogant twat. But, if someone was really curious, I would suggest reading the first chapter of the first book in the series, Hook, Line, and Garter. You will know right away what makes me different.

Me: Do you have any other creative talents?

RJ: Yes, I do. I’ve recently discovered a passion for refurbishing old clothes. Hands down, Goodwill is my favorite store. There is something very satisfying in taking a pair of jeans that were worn by some elderly man and giving them a second life with bleach, distressing, and sparkle.

Me: Any embarrassing moments?

RJ: More than I care to remember.

The Speed Round

Me: Favorite color?

RJ: This changes on daily basis. Today it is pink. Tomorrow, who knows?

Me: Baked or Fried?

RJ: Grilled. Why wasn’t grilled an option?

Me: Favorite movie?

RJ: Anything with Robert Downey Jr.

Me: Thor or Iron Man?

RJ: I refuse to answer this question. In fact, it pains me that it is even on here.

Me: Bath or Shower?

RJ: Shower

Me: Cat or Dog?

RJ: Cat

Thank you so much for coming by! It was great fun! Sorry about the Thor vs Iron Man question. Lol! I had to throw it in there. :)

If you want to check out any of this great lady's books please click on the links below. They are all devilishly fun!

Until next time!

~ Lilly Rose

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